Hi everyone! This post is going to be a little off-topic, but I want to take a moment to share a personal triumph with you guys! As some of you might know, although I don't highly publicize it, I sing in a local band. It's one of my biggest passions and hobbies. I've been writing songs & lyrics consistently since I was about 14 years old, and in the last two years it's evolved into a full, five-person band.
Anyway, I'm here to tell you guys about three new songs we recorded and mixed this summer.
If I may, I'd like to take a moment to not only applaud my band for this accomplishment, but to applaud myself for reaching this deeply-meaningful goal in spite of my horrid physical state over the summer.
While I could have skipped out on band practices, I made myself show up every Sunday, albeit drugged, faint, nauseous, or in a lot of pain. Through my bed-ridden state, I managed to book the recording studio dates, find and hire a guest cellist, and coordinate our rehearsals. Herxing my butt off and full of biotoxins, I pulled myself out of bed when all I wanted to do was sleep, and I showed up, sang, held it together, and attended two very full days of recording. I didn't know if I'd be able to do it. But I did. And it feels wonderful.
My bandmates were supportive, responsive, and well-rehearsed. They showed up, did their thing and did it well, and I'm so proud to be involved in making music with them. Together, the five of us (six, including the guest cellist, and seven, including the studio producer) put our creative juices together to create three deeply touching, symphonic alternative pop-rock songs that showcase how far the band has come since we made our EP in 2009.
So, if any of you would like to buy these songs off iTunes, they're for sale for 99 cents apiece. The band name is Opal Axis and the songs are entitled Aperture, Halmahera Ride, and My Bane.
While we're not in this for the money, every purchase supports our mutual passion. Earlier today, my bandmate sent out an email to a list of several hundred fans we've acquired over the years, to inform them of the availability of these new songs. Our work is done for now. We're hopeful the songs sell well, but moreso, hopeful that no matter how many sell, the response is positive, because hearing that people like our music is the highest compliment we can receive.
Many thanks to you all.
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